
10. The Long Weekend.

Opposite the hospital was a public phone box which faced directly to where my darling son lay fighting for his life …this was where I made my longed for calls to James. It was on this day that, when I phoned, he said that his Dad wanted to speak to me ,I was totally not prepared. The sound of his voice filled me with anger as he asked how Tony was ……
My reply was ,and I quote “How dare you, you the scum of the earth, after all what you have done, all the lies that you have said in court about my family , you have the nerve to ask me about MY son that you wanted nothing to do with !!!”
No answer was the stern reply …
James came back on the phone and I had to immediately switch to being Mum to my estranged 5 year old….. the world being a happy place…. nothing wrong ….cool, calm and collected … inside wanting to scream , cry, shout ,murder… and all the while looking at the hospital, where I had to go back and again hide all these emotions and stay strong .
Mums have to be strong ,after all it’s Mum who holds the family together , don’t they?

Tony’s recovery is slow but good, and he’s a model patient polite and very brave. The pain is now under control and the tube is removed from his nose.
A few problems arose over the weekend, unfortunately the catheter had leaked and had to be re-fitted which really upset him. Then in the evening the epidural leaked because the dosage was so high and morphine had to be given through his
Hickman Line as the epidural drug was not getting through.
He was allowed to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and encouraged to exercise his lungs by deep breathing.

The waiting for the final results on Monday was taking it’s toll on all of us , but Tony in particular was very irritable , who could blame him…
David had brought Laurrie up to stay in the house with us that
Clic had provided, the only person missing from my little family was James. I so missed him as did the others. There was that un-spoken fear as well in the back of all our minds ,for Tony and James.


Anonymous said...

Dear sadmum, I can't help but have my tears to well up in my eyes every time I read anything on your blog. I know there is a hole in your heart with James not there with you also. I was thinking about you this month, I know we agreed to Email once a month. I too have been on the run and not happy with my computer either. Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving to me some encouragement. I've lost some interest in caring about my weight lately. A weight detector sure would spark some enthusiasum. Thanks for searching for one or two. It would be nice to try together, yes, after Easter (candy). Will Email another time. God Bless you and your whole family. lv xxkisses and oohugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sharon,
This is sad because Tony was still alive and you were hoping he was going to get well. It is terrible that James was taken from you. I know how awful I would feel if I couldn't see Mia's little brother, James. I have come to know him really well because of all the time I spent at their house.
Love, Julie