The following few days there was a lot of improvement in how Tony felt as he was virtually pain free due to the morphine. This obviously helped a lot with his general mood as well, and he had the attitude of 'Hurry up and get on with what needs to be done, I want to get out of here'
Laurrie had stayed in Bristol with me, and David returned back home to work. The days were spent trying to keep Tony entertained which was really difficult as at 15 all he was really interested in was music, cars and girls... Oh and his hair! The fashion at that time was a centre parting with his hair draped either side like curtains, then, to hold in place a ton of hair gel was applied ...and they say women are vain !
All of us were missing James which was really hard as I had been unable to explain to him what was happening over the telephone, and I hadn't yet been able to see him since his brother was admitted to hospital. More to the point he had not been able to see us and was probably feeling VERY un-setlled and insecure.To make matters worse we had a message from Social Services in respect of the tape and drawings that were provided before we went to Bristol, still didn't have enough evidence for them to re-visit him!
This was a real kick in the teeth as I was convinced that this would have been the 'proof' needed, but no I was told that I had asked James too many 'leading' questions. So there we were back to square one , James living with his father with who knows what going on and Tony fighting for his life. But still Mum had to keep smiling for the sake of the children. What message would they read if I couldn't hold it all together?
David came back up to stay the night with us at Clic House and while at the hospital he wrote the following in my little black book:
I (David) arrived at 5.10p.m to find Tony with Mum, he seems relaxed and looks like the Tony I know. I watched him make his way to the toilet with his drips in tow and it made me realise exactly what he has gone through. We watched a video >