
18. My return home

I was really anxious to see Laurrie and James away from the hospital and be able to explain what was happening to they’re brother. As Laurrie was 17 at that time she fully understood the situation , but how do you explain to your estranged 6 year old son ? …especially under the circumstances.
The Clic Social Worker was fantastic in this area and was able to give me some good sound advice. She provided me with a little book based on the ‘Little Men’ characters and the storyline was about a child who had a tumour. The book was interactive in that James would be able to colour things in and add his own feelings etc.
When I collected James from his fathers house he was sent out to the car on his own, holding a card in his hand. When we arrived home I discovered that the card he had was addressed to Tony at the hospital. When I phoned Tony later that day and told him he asked me to open it….inside was a ‘get well’ card signed from ‘Dad’.
Tony was really upset by this , this was from the man that had the audacity to lie in court about my whole family, Tony included, to enable him to win the residence order for whatever purpose he had in mind. Tony’s reaction was ‘give it back to him Mum and tell him to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!’
I couldn’t believe that this man was still prepared to hurt my children, he must have known how Tony would have reacted after all what he had done to us, or was it a case of him thinking that because we were facing death that all would be forgiven ? Well he would be given that answer soon, but not today, today was for me James and Laurrie and no-one or nothing was going to upset us anymore.
Today was quality time with my 2 healthy children while David was pampering Tony 125 miles away.


jafabrit said...

I sometimes wonder if some people are just plain malicious, stupid or just don't make a cognitive connection between things they do.

Susan said...

I really appreciated reading your blog. I volunteer at a local childrens' hospital and I work primarly with children who have cancer and their family members. Every time I go to work, I am amazed at the level of strength these children have in the face of their battles, as well as the parents who support them. For those parents who have also lost loved ones, your blog will be a comfort to them.

Anonymous said...

You are such a brave person.

Thanks for letting me read your blog. I had to cry ...

Kind regards from The Netherlands!