
3. Good Luck Turned Sour....

Whilst we were all excited at the prospect of being settled in a new home both the boys were not well.We had been granted access with James for every weekend and half of all holidays, although this in effect was shared residence it didn’t compensate the fact that we were separated as a family.

To make matters worse we were contacted the police as my ex had complained that my partner had threatened him. This was another of his 'stories' but still he had to attend the police station where he was held in a cell, finger printed and DNA taken !
Absolutely amazing how much power this man has in getting the police involved , a very very accomplished liar.

When James came home for the weekend we had a party for him as it would be his birthday the following week and we were not allowed to see him. James told us that he had been watching videos about a Boobie Monster. The conversation that followed was to say the least alarming, but this time I was prepared and taped it on my Dictaphone.When it came time to take him back he was very frightened and said it was because he was wearing different clothes than what he came up in!

The following day I took the drawings and tape to Social Services convinced that this was all that was needed to be able to overturn the court order. How wrong one can be..........He had been living with his father now for 8 months and things were going from bad to worse, every weekend I picked him up he was ill. Obviously the separation wasn’t helping and although his father could see the distress that it was causing still he would not change the arrangements.

Following the doctors appointment Tony was not getting any better, but being a 15 year old very popular lad he still wanted to go out with his mates. My reaction as most Mums was 'If your well enough to go out, your well enough to go to school'.I cannot begin to put into words how bad I feel to this day that I made him go, the trouble was he was doing his mock exams and so it was important for him to attend.

By the end of the week he was vomiting and feeling dreadful. On the Friday we agreed that he would go to school for his last exam and go back to see the GP in the evening. Whilst I was on the telephone talking about the new house I saw him walking down the street, he looked dreadful. He had finished his exam and come straight back, as his older sister was doing home study I went to work and arranged to meet him at the surgery.Unfortunately for the first time ever, he went in early and I arrived just as he was coming out. The doctor had now decided that he had pleurisy, as in the short space of a few hours he started to have problems with his breathing, for which she prescribed Anti Biotic. He had been told to take the course and see how he felt after.Is it that easy to miss cancer ?????????????????????????????

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